Reporting Mistreatment

If you have experienced mistreatment by a UBC Department of Psychiatry member, there are steps you can take, depending on your comfort level:

  • If you feel comfortable doing so, calmly approach the individual and inform them that their behaviour is offensive and unwelcome, contrary to University policy, and insist that they stop immediately.
  • If you are not comfortable approaching the individual or if the unwelcome behaviour continues, you may disclose this behaviour to your immediate supervisor or manager. You and your manager can discuss a plan to address the behaviour.
  • If you do not feel comfortable disclosing this to your supervisor or manager, feel that no action has been taken at the management level, or if your supervisor is the individual whose behaviour is in question, contact your AdministratorDepartment Head, or your HR Advisor to initiate a conversation.

If you observe one of your co-workers being mistreated or harassed at work, please report what you have observed to your immediate supervisor or contact your AdministratorDepartment Head, or your HR Advisor.

Identifying Mistreatment

The mistreatment or sexual misconduct are the behaviours described in Section C. of the UBC Statement on Respectful Environment for Students, Faculty and Staff and Section 2. of the UBC Sexual Misconduct Policy respectively, and include:

  • General Mistreatment
  • Sexual Mistreatment
  • Racial/Ethnic Mistreatment
  • Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Mistreatment
  • Peer-to-peer Mistreatment