A Big Thank You to All Who Attended our 2024 UBC Psychiatry Research Day!
We wish to thank everyone who joined our annual Research Day both in person and on Zoom Thursday, June 13th. We hope you found the program to be both interesting and engaging, and we look forward to welcoming you again at next year’s event!
We would also like to congratulate the award winners announced in the following categories:
Lightning Talk AM Session: Ms. Elizabeth Gregory
Lightning Talk PM Session: Dr. Tara Gaertner
Zeldowicz Poster Award for Basic/Translational Science: Mr. Parsa Tadayon
Zeldowicz Poster Award for Basic/Translational Science: Ms. Annika MacKenzie
Necia Elvin Memorial Prize for Schizophrenia Research: Dr. Reza Rafizadeh
View all event photos HERE!

View the event recording

Date: Thursday June 13, 2024, 8:45am to 4:30pm
Location: UBC LSC, 2350 Health Sciences Mall
Rooms: West Atrium & Lecture Theatre 3
Format: In person & Zoom

This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and has been approved by UBC CPD for up to 4 MOC Section 1 Group Learning credits. Each physician should claim only those credits accrued through participation in the activity.
Those who are in remote locations and/or are not able to join in person may attend all presentations virtually via Zoom. Please follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Open https://ubc.zoom.us/ and click on ‘Join a Meeting’.
Step 2: Enter the Zoom Meeting ID 92046 953122 then click ‘Join.’
Step 3: If you have the Zoom client click ‘Open Zoom Meetings,’ otherwise, click ‘join from your browser.’
Step 4: Enter Passcode 953122 then click ‘Join Meeting.’

- Event Schedule
- Zoom Login and Password
- Slido Event Code for Q&A and Voting
- List of Presentations and Lightning Talks
- List of Posters and ePosters links
Annual Departmental Research Day
Thursday June 13, 2024
8.00am – 9.00am
Attendees Arriving at in-person venue Attendee Sign-In on Zoom
9.00am – 9.05am
Opening Remarks
9.05am – 9.15am
State of the Department Address
9.15am – 10.15am
Plenary Lecture: An early intervention strategy to minimise causes and consequences of adolescent substance misuse: Five Year Outcomes of the Montreal CoVenture Trial
Dr. Patricia Conrod
10.15am – 11.00am
Break | Poster Viewing
11.00am – 12.00pm
Lightning Talks: Set A
12.00pm – 2.00pm
Lunch & Poster Viewing with Voting
2.00pm – 3.00pm
Lightning Talks: Set B
3.00pm – 3.30pm
Faculty Lecture 1: Prevalence of mental and substance use disorders in Canadian universities, and effectiveness of an app co-developed with end users: results of the Student e-mental health project
Dr. Daniel Vigo
3.30pm – 4.00pm
Faculty Lecture 2: Normative Brain Modeling and Mood Disorders
Dr. Ruiyang Ge
4.00pm – 4.30pm
Awards and Closing Remarks
In-Person Posters | Expanded this Year!
Everyone who has submitted an abstract will be eligible to present an in-person poster, in addition to the ePoster on our Online ePoster Gallery (unless otherwise notified).
Guidelines for In-Person Posters:
- To be eligible, you must attend Research Day in person (don’t forget to register!)
- All arrangements for producing the physical poster, including printing costs, will be the responsibility of the Presenter and/or Supervisor.
- Please prepare a poster that will fit within the dimensions of a standard poster board (UBC horizontal poster template is 48 inches x 36 inches)
- Please ensure that you arrive at UBC Life Sciences Centre (2350 Health Sciences Mall) by 9:30am on Thursday June 13th to hang up your poster on your assigned poster board.
- During the Poster Viewing periods during the Morning Break (10:30-11:00am) and the Lunch Break (12:00-2:00pm), please reserve some time to stand by and interact with visitors viewing your poster.
ePOSTERS | Submit by May 15 | CLOSED
Submission Guidelines:
Everyone who has submitted an abstract will be eligible to present a ePoster on our Online ePoster Gallery (unless otherwise notified). Please submit your ePoster in Powerpoint format by Wednesday May 15th, 2024 (11:59pm) using the ePOSTER SUBMISSION FORM.
ePoster Requirements:
- Must be submitted as a PowerPoint document.
- Feel free to use the UBC poster templates: ePoster – Horizontal / ePoster – Vertical.
- If you are adding an audio file, it should not exceed 2 minutes; also, ensurea Sound icon is clearly visible.
- For instructions on how to add audio to your ePoster in Powerpoint, click here.
- Submit your ePoster as a single PowerPoint file by Wednesday May 15th, 2024 (11:59pm).
Submission Guidelines:
At this time, we invite faculty, residents, fellows, students and trainees who wish to present their work on Research Day to submit their abstracts using the ONLINE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM by Monday April 15, 2024 (11:59 PST).
Abstract Requirements:
- A descriptive title
- All authors and their affiliated institutions
- Funding source (if applicable)
- Must include the following elements: Research Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions
- The body of your abstract must NOT exceed 300 words

Timeline to Research Day
Abstract Submission Deadline
APRIL 15 – MAY 1:
Abstract Review & Lightning Talk /
In-person Poster Selections
MAY 1 – MAY 15
Selected Lightning Talk / In-person Poster Presenters Notified
MAY 15:
ePoster Submission Deadline