2025 CaRMS Faculty recruitment

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

One of the most important processes in our medical education system is helping to select the next generation of psychiatrists that will serve the mental health of British Columbians with humanity and excellence in care. 

This year, we are looking to fill faculty positions on the Selections Committee. It is an incredibly rewarding experience and those on the committee describe how much they enjoy the experience and the connection with colleagues and residents. There is some compensation that Faculty receive for their participation with each of the steps of the process. 

Below are some of the CaRMS important dates:

November 14, 2024· Attending File Review & Interview Day Workshop.
December 2-6, 2024· File Review Period: Reviewing 6-8 files per member–30-60 minutes to review each file
January 21, 28, 29, 2025
(UBC Interview Dates)
· Being involved in the interview process, either a panel interview or a mini interview (ethical scenario).
· You will be asked to sign up for 1-2 morning or afternoon interview sessions (around 3.5-4.5 hours).
February 6, 2025· Attending CaRMS ranking meeting

Please contact me if you are interested or have questions about any part of the committee process. I can be reached at irfan.khanbhai@ubc.ca.

Thanks for considering,

Dr. Irfan Khanbhai MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor
Program Director
UBC Department of Psychiatry Postgraduate Education Program

Interim Associate Head
Postgraduate Education and Continuing Professional Development 
UBC Department of Psychiatry