November 2023

Meet Ms. Kyna Ng, our Education Coordinator who provides support to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry Postgraduate Subspecialty Programs (SSP). She joined the UBC Department of Psychiatry’s administration team in 2022.
Can you briefly describe your role in the UBC Department of Psychiatry?
I provide senior level comprehensive administrative support to the 3 Subspecialty Training Postgraduate Residency Training Programs. I am responsible for a variety of exciting milestones in the Academic Year such as the Annual Selections Process, Academic Day Sessions, Committee Meetings, Orientation, Rotation Schedules, Resident Absences, Leaves and Accommodations, as well as participating in the Accreditation Process. It is never a dull day in my role as I have a variety of tasks to complete, and stakeholders to connect with!
What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most, or find most exciting?
I really enjoy the challenge and variety of work that I get to do, as there are so many exciting things happening at different points in the Academic Year. It is really fulfilling to play an integral role in the journey of our Subspecialty Residents, as well as connecting with our wonderful Program Directors and clinical division members.
What is the best piece of advice you can share with colleagues new to the Department or UBC?
There will definitely be a learning curve, but lean into your team as great resources and do as much research as possible. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but knowledge comes progressively with experience and comfort in the role. This Department has a really collegial culture, and everyone is really approachable, experienced and open. Learn as much as possible, as this Department and UBC in general are great places to grow your career.
There are a lot of great ways to take ownership of your portfolio and make improvements to structure and processes. Additionally, definitely take advantage of relevant Professional Development opportunities, as they will catalyze your professional growth and network.
What are your interests and hobbies outside of work?
Spin classes, cooking, researching healthy recipes, investing in blue chip stocks, travel blogging, reading and watching TV shows are some of my favourite hobbies. I like to stay active with friends and family in the summer by exploring new nature, cycling and hiking routes. My friends also know me as someone who has an unhealthy obsession with spreadsheets.