Expression of Interest: Academic Faculty Representative for the EDIA Committee

Dear Colleagues,

First, we would like to congratulate Dr. Jehannine (J9) Austin, who has recently been appointed Head, UBC Department of Medical Genetics. With this appointment, they will be stepping down from their role as Academic Faculty Representative with the UBC Department of Psychiatry EDIA Committee, and we thank them for their enthusiastic work and meaningful contributions on the committee. With their departure, we are now seeking expressions of interest and nominations for a new Academic Faculty Representative.

The Department of Psychiatry’s Strategic Plan identifies the advancement of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism (EDIA) as a strategic priority. Our EDIA Committee unifies the previous faculty-level and resident REDI Committees, and includes representation from the graduate student and staff groups. The Committee’s mandate is to advise the Department Head on the specific opportunities and challenges facing the Department with regard to EDIA, and to develop an action plan which will promote a culture that values and supports the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism amongst Department faculty, staff and learners.


  • Any Academic Faculty in the UBC Department of Psychiatry.
  • Expressions of interest can be submitted through self-nomination by individual faculty or submitted as nominations by colleagues.

Selection Process:

Individuals on the Committee are selected through a nomination/self-nomination process, and the Academic Faculty representative will be chosen in consideration of their personal experience, principles of EDIA, and relevant areas of expertise. Their willingness to serve on this critically important committee and their guidance and commitment to supporting the Department will further enhance our role in the advancement of EDIA.

How to Nominate:

Please send your name (or the name of the proposed nominee), along with a brief statement of interest (not to exceed 200 words), to Dr. Andrea Tuka ( by February 28th.

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your nominations.


Dr. Andrea Tuka, CD, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor, UBC Department of Psychiatry
Chair, EDIA Committee, UBC Department of Psychiatry