New PGME Prep Time Payment Guidelines for Didactic Lectures

  • Establish fair and transparent preparation time payment rates for teaching sessions conducted by clinical faculty.
  • Align with other Faculty of Medicine units in Undergrad and Postgrad in the Teaching Tracking and Payment System (TTPS).
  • Ensure equitable compensation for clinical faculty members across the Faculty of Medicine based on the level of preparation required for their teaching activities.

Using a 1-hour didactic lecture as an example, see below for the total paid time using the new PGME prep time payment guidelines. Note that the “unit rate” refers to the UBC hourly rate. 

  • Rate: 2x unit rate x duration
  • Description: Teaching sessions that are entirely new and require dedicated preparation time.
  • Total paid time: 2 hours (1 hour prep time + 1 hour lecture time)
  • Rate: 1.5x unit rate x duration
  • Description: Teaching sessions that have been delivered previously but require substantial revisions or updates.
  • Total paid time: 1.5 hours (0.5-hour prep time + 1 hour lecture time)
  • Rate: 1x unit rate x duration
  • Description: Teaching sessions that have been delivered previously and require little to no additional preparation time.
  • Total paid time: 1 hour (1 x 1 hour lecture time)

However, to acknowledge the teaching and preparation effort of all the presenters, we will default the preparation time to 1.5x unit rate for all Academic Day lectures, except for “New Sessions” which will be paid out at 2x unit rate. If a lecturer has identified in advance to our administration team that their session is a repeated lecture with little to no prep time, then only 1x unit rate will be paid out to that particular session.

Please reach out to us with any questions.

Best regards,

Dr. Irfan Khanbhai MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor
Program Director
UBC Department of Psychiatry Postgraduate Education Program

Dr. Andrew Howard, MD, FRCPC
Clinical Associate Professor
Associate Program Director, Curriculum
UBC Department of Psychiatry Postgraduate Education Program