News & Events

Departmental News

Capturing weekly announcements about our members, their latest research findings, upcoming events and other departmental news.

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Annual & Biannual Meetings

GFT Meetings for all academic faculty members are held on a biannual basis, on the first Thursday of April and the first Thursday of October.

Advisory Meetings for members of the Advisory Committee are held on a biannual basis, on the first Thursday of May and the first Thursday of November.


Held the second Wednesday of the month, next rounds will feature the following guest speakers: Dr. Paul Pavlidis, March 12; Dr. Katharine Dunlop, April 9; and Dr. Laura Hack, May 14.

Date(s):            Wednesdays, March 12, April 9 and May 14, 2025
Time:                 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Format:             On Zoom

Hosted by the Mood and Anxiety Program and held the fourth Wednesday of the month, these rounds offer a collaborative space for clinicians and trainees to seek guidance on complex and challenging mood disorder cases. Participants may present a full case or a focused clinical query, receiving feedback from the core specialists of the UBC Mood Disorders Centre and attending departmental members.

Date(s):           Wednesdays, February 26, March 26 and April 23, 2025
Time:                12:00pm to 1:00pm
Format:             On Zoom

Contact: To attend the Rounds and receive the Zoom link, email

This meeting highlights research achievements of the UBC community both in basic and clinical neuroscience. Emphasis is placed on findings with direct clinical relevance.


Grand Rounds and other continuing professional development (CPD) events occur regularly at all the teaching hospitals.