Research Data Management II: Data-Deposits and Finding Data

Research Data Management II: Data-Deposits and Finding Data

June 6, 2024
4:00pm – 5:00pm PT


Part 1: Data Deposits
Are you creating or managing research data and want to make it publicly accessible? This hands-on workshop ( will provide an overview of Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, a bilingual, multidisciplinary, secure research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Borealis supports open discovery, management, sharing, and preservation of Canadian research data stored entirely on Canadian servers. We will practice depositing research data in Borealis and review related issues such as controlled vocabularies (e.g. MeSH), ORCIDs, best practices for metadata for discovery, and the importance of data dictionaries and README files.
Part 2: Finding Data
The second half of this session will focus on finding and accessing existing data and statistics related to mental health. We will introduce potential sources of administrative data (e.g. Discharge Abstract Database), surveys (e.g. Canadian Community Health Survey), and relevant data repositories. Emphasis will be on data about the Canadian population but we’ll also highlight some international resources. In addition to identifying sources we will discuss how to access the data, particularly where resources are not freely available to the public.


Eugene Barsky, Research Data Management Librarian, UBC Library

Eugene works with the UBC researchers curating and managing research data, from planning to deposit, to preservation. Eugene participates in building the Canadian Federated Research Data Repository service (FRDR) and collaborates with the Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) and the European Union (OpenAIRE). He is the PI for the national Geodisy project funded by the Alliance. His recent peer recognition includes the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, American Society for Engineering Education, and Special Library Association awards. He published over 30 peer-reviewed papers and presented at more than 70 conferences. Eugene is an adjunct professor at the iSchool at UBC, teaching a graduate course about research data management, and is one of the founders of the Portage Network in Canada.

Jeremy Buhler, Data Librarian, UBC Library

Jeremy Buhler is a Data Librarian at the UBC Library Research Commons, responsible for UBC Library’s collection of open and licensed data. He works alongside specialists in GIS, digital scholarship, and research data management to provide access to data for teaching and research, and to help researchers develop skills in data analysis, manipulation, and visualization.

Robert Clift

Sarab Preet (Robbie) Dosanjh

Rebecca Zivanovic

Rebecca Kummen

Onyema Ohiaeri

Noor Beckwith

Mudasir Asif

Mingyang Wang

Mario Moscovici