Attn: PHSA faculty and postgraduate learners| Please complete the PGME learning environment survey

Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) are committed to seeking ongoing feedback about the educational environment at all major teaching sites. In collaboration with Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) leadership, PGME are seeking faculty and postgraduate learner input on the work and learning environment via a short survey.  Previous feedback has resulted in actions which have initiated some positive culture change and this collaborative work is ongoing.

The PHSA (BCCW, Forensic Hospital, etc.) learning environment survey seeks to better understand the experience, scope and impact of the learning environment issues affecting residents, fellows, and faculty who work and train at these sites. Quantitative results will be shared with Health Authority Leadership, faculty, residents, and programs. Each comment will be reviewed by PGME leadership and shared with the senior and executive level Health Authority personnel.  Ongoing collaboration amongst all invested partners will be key in developing recommendations and action items to realize improvements.

We greatly value your input and expect the survey to take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

The PHSA survey will remain open until March 28, 2025. For any questions in regards to the survey, you are welcome to reach out to PGME at:


Sonia Butterworth BSc MD FRCSC 
Assistant Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education Clinical Professor, 
Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine | University of British Columbia   

Ravi S. Sidhu MD MEd FRCSC 
Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education Associate Professor, 
Department of Surgery Faculty of Medicine | University of British Columbia