6th Annual Psychiatry Summer Immersion Program | teaching opportunities

Dear Faculty,

The Department of Psychiatry 6th Annual Psychiatry Summer Immersion Program will take place Monday, June 2 and Tuesday, June 3, 2025. The two-day program provides an opportunity for 1st year medical students to explore the field of psychiatry as a potential career option through engagement with psychiatrists and psychiatry residents. Each day consists of half-day interactive talks and half-day clinical shadowing placements.

Talks offer a unique opportunity to provide information on the broad range of subspecialties and career options within psychiatry, a day in the life of a psychiatrist and topics such as salary, work-life balance and stigma. As a speaker, you will share your career path and provide insights into your subspecialty. Talks are 40 minutes (including 5-10 minutes for Q&A).

*Please note that in-person talks are preferred, at the locations listed below. However, given that all talks will also be broadcast via Zoom to students at distributed sites, remote options are available. 

Shadowing provides an opportunity for students to meet and observe psychiatrists at work in a broad range of subspecialties and settings. Shadowing sessions take place on the Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning and should last approximately 3 hours.

SiteTalks LocationShadowing
VancouverDiamond Health Care Centrewithin Metro Vancouver
VictoriaRoyal Jubilee HospitalVictoria
KelownaKelowna General HospitalKelowna
Prince GeorgeUniversity Hospital of Northern BCPrince George

Talks – $106.03/hour (pro-rated)
Shadowing Supervision – $106.03/session with 1 student; $129.59/session with 2 students

You can sign up to be a speaker and/or a shadowing supervisor here. The sign-up deadline is April 24, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Clare Beasley (clare.beasley@ubc.ca) or Ikuko Azuma (psychiatry.projects@ubc.ca).


Ikuko Azuma
Project Manager
UBC Department of Psychiatry