Do You Practice Addiction, Emergency, Forensic, Reproductive Mental Health, or Sexual Medicine Psychiatry? | Teaching Opportunity: 6th Annual Psychiatry Summer Immersion Program

Dear Faculty,

We are currently looking for shadowing supervisors for the Department of Psychiatry’s 6th annual Psychiatry Summer Immersion Program, which will take place Monday, June 2 and Tuesday, June 3, 2025. The two-day program provides an opportunity for 1st Year medical students to explore the field of psychiatry as a potential career option through engagement with psychiatrists and psychiatry residents.

If you practice any of the following specialties and interested in providing shadowing opportunities for the students, please sign up from here:

  • Addiction Psychiatry
  • Emergency Psychiatry
  • Forensic Psychiatry
  • Reproductive Mental Health
  • Sexual Medicine

Shadowing sessions take place on the Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning and should last approximately 3 hours.

SiteTalks LocationShadowing
VancouverDiamond Health Care Centrewithin Metro Vancouver
KelownaKelowna General HospitalKelowna
Prince GeorgeUniversity Hospital of Northern BCPrince George

Shadowing Supervision – $106.03/session with 1 student; $129.59/session with 2 students

Please sign up from here or by the link below: The sign-up deadline is April 24, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Clare Beasley ( or Ikuko Azuma (


Ikuko Azuma
Project Manager
UBC Department of Psychiatry