Professor, UBC Department of Psychiatry, Division of Substance Use and Concurrent Disorders
BC Leadership Chair in Addiction Research, Providence Health Care
Founding Fellow, UBC Institute of Mental Health
Senior Scientist, Centre for Advancing Health Outcomes
Email: michael.krausz@ubc.ca
Short Biography
Dr. Michael Krausz is originally from Hamburg, Germany, where he was trained at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. Following his training, he worked in three different clinical and research positions in general psychiatry.
In the mid 1990s, he became a founding director of the Centre of Interdisciplinary Addiction Research at the University of Hamburg and retained directorship at the centre until 2004. As a founding director, he was also responsible for the German Heroin Trial, the European Cocaine Project, and several other notable addiction-related trials.
He was also Editor-In-Chief of two well-established scientific journals; Suchttherapie and European Addiction Research respectively. He has also published more than 300 scientific papers to date.
Dr. Krausz is also a founding member of the International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) and is currently serving on the boards of the Section of Addiction and the Section of Public Policy for the World Psychiatric Association.
Michael relocated permanently to the Vancouver area in 2007 and became a professor of psychiatry and the University of British Columbia (UBC) as well as the LEEF Chair in Addiction Research at the Institute of Mental Health at UBC. He is the Principal Investigator for the Addictions and Concurrent Disorders (ACD) Research Group within the Institute of Mental Health.
Research Focus
Dr. Krausz’s main research interests focus on the comorbidity of severe mental illness and addiction; especially psychosis, the use of psychotropic substances and the effective treatment of such conditions.
Current Research:
- At Home/Chez-Soi Study
- Study to Assess Long-term Opioid Maintenance Effectiveness (SALOME)
- British Columbia Health of the Homeless Survey Report
- Bell Mental Health Youth IMPACT Study
- HEANTOS Study (in conjunction with Vietnamese Academy of Science)
- UNESCO Country Review – Ukraine (Youth)
Significant Accomplishments and Professional Contribution
- 2014 + 2015 Healthy City for All Award, City of Vancouver
- Senior Consultant, Regional Program for Mental Health, Vancouver Coastal Health
- Expert Consultant, UNICEF
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse
- Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
- Reviewer, National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA/NIH)