Raymond W. Lam

Professor, UBC Department of Psychiatry, Division of Neuroscience and Translational Psychiatry

Associate Head, Graduate & Undergraduate Medical Education, UBC Department of Psychiatry

Member, UBC Institute of Mental Health

Member, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health

Email: r.lam@ubc.ca

Short Biography

Dr. Raymond Lam is Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the UBC Mood Disorders Centre. He is a lead investigator for the Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression, Executive Director of the APEC Digital Hub for Mental Health, and Past Executive Chair of the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments. He also leads the Cluster of Excellence on Research on Equity in Mental health in the Asia Pacific–Digital focus.

Research Focus

Dr. Lam’s research examines clinical and neurobiological factors in seasonal, treatment-resistant and workplace depression, clinical trials, clinical guidelines, digital health technologies, and global mental health.

Significant Accomplishments & Professional Contribution

  • Distinguished Achievement Award for Overall Excellence, UBC Faculty of Medicine, 2022 & 2014
  • J.M. Cleghorn Award for Clinical Research, Canadian Psychiatric Association, 2015
  • R.O. Jones Memorial Award Canadian Psychiatric Association, 2007
  • Silver Anniversary Leadership Award, UBC Medical Alumni, 2006
  • Douglas Utting Prize and Medal for Depression Research, McGill University, 2001

Digital Media