Partner Faculty Appointment, Reappointment & Promotion

UBC Rose Garden

Partner Appointment & Reappointment

The terms of partner track initial appointments are up to 3 years for Assistant Professors, up to 5 years for Associate Professors, and up to 10 years for Full Professors.

Partner steam reappointments must undergo formal review by the Department, the Dean and the President, and must also be supported by the Partner institution. For partner track faculty, the reappointment schedules for each of the ranks are outlined as follows:

Assistant Professor (Partner): Review takes place in the academic year preceding the term end date of the initial 3-year term. The reappointment will be for a further 3-year term.

A second formal reappointment review will place in the academic year preceding the second term end date, and reappointment will be for a further 2-year term, for a total of eight years of appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor.

Assistant Professors (Partner) are expected to meet eligibility for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor (Partner) within seven years of their initial appointment in order to retain their appointment beyond the eighth year as per Section IV (c) of the UBC FoM Partner Policy (pdf).

Associate Professor (Partner): Prior to the end of the initial appointment term, which may be up to five years, the first formal reappointment review will place in the year preceding the term end date. Reappointments after the initial term may be for up to ten years at a time.

Professor (Partner): Prior to the end of the initial appointment term, which may be up to ten years, the first formal reappointment review will place in the year preceding the term end date. Reappointments after the initial term may be for up to ten years at a time.

General Timeline and Process

June: Pre-review with Department Head

The Department Head meets with faculty members before June 30 of each year to discuss criteria and expectations for upcoming reviews.

The Administration Office coordinates the meeting date and time each year. The faculty member will be asked to provide a current CV prior to the meeting.

Preparing your Review File

The Administration Office will contact the faculty member in early summer regarding the following materials required for the reappointment review:

A complete and updated UBC-Format CV & Publication List (doc), dated and initialled.

A complete and updated Teaching Dossier (pdf).

September: Submission Deadline

The faculty member must submit their CV and Teaching Dossier to Vicky Yau, Director, Administration, by September 15.

Once materials have been submitted, new information may be added to the CV, up to the stage of the President’s decision, through submission of an Addendum (doc).

October – December: Departmental APT Committee Review

In a formal review process, eligible members of the departmental Appointments Promotions and Tenure (APT) Committee will provide consultation to the Head (or an Acting Chair), and a vote will take place. If a serious concerns arise at any stage, the candidate will again be given an opportunity to respond in writing prior to a vote. The Head will then provide a letter of recommendation on reappointment, along with the candidate’s file, to the Dean.

January – March: Review and Recommendation by the Dean

The Dean, in consultation with the Faculty Appointments, Reappointments, Promotion and Tenure (ARPT) Committee, will submit a recommendation on reappointment to the President.

The candidate and the Department will be informed of the recommendation in writing. If the Dean’s recommendation is negative, the candidate will be given thirty days to appeal as per Section E of the Procedures of the UBC FoM Partner Policy (pdf).

April – June: Decision of the President

Upon deciding on reappointment, the President will inform the candidate and the Department on the decision in writing. Thereafter, the candidate’s reappointment will be entered into the electronic HR system.

Partner Promotion

Assistant Professors (Partner) have scheduled opportunities for promotion to Associate Professor (Partner) in their 5th and 7th year, and are expected to be promoted to the rank of Associate Professor (Partner) within seven years of their initial appointment in order to retain their appointment beyond the eighth year, per Section IV (c) of the UBC FoM Partner Policy (pdf).

For partners promoted to Associate Professor (Partner), the initial term will be up to 5 years. Associate Professors (Partner) may be reviewed for reappointment or promotion to Professor (Partner) per Section IV (c) and Section V of the UBC FoM Partner Policy (pdf).

General Timeline and Process

Pre-review: Annual Meeting with Department Head

The Department Head meets with faculty members before June 30 of each year to discuss criteria and expectations, and confirm a promotion review for the upcoming year.

The Administration Office coordinates the meeting date and time each year. The faculty member will be asked to provide a current CV prior to the meeting.

Preparing your Review File

The Administration Office will contact the faculty member in early summer regarding the following materials and information required for the promotion and/or tenure review:

The faculty member must submit their CV and Teaching Dossier to Vicky Yau, Director, Administration, by September 15.

Once materials have been submitted, new information may be added to the CV, up to the stage of the President’s decision, through submission of an Addendum (doc).

October – December: Referee Letters and Departmental APT Committee Review

Once four (4) letters of reference are obtained (two from candidate list / two from Department list). In a formal review process will take eligible members of departmental Appointments Promotions and Tenure (APT) Committee will provide consultation to the Head (or an Acting Chair), and a vote will take place. If serious concerns arise at any stage, the candidate will be given an opportunity to respond in writing.

The Head will then provide a letter of recommendation on promotion, along with the candidate’s file, to the Dean.

January – March: Review and Recommendation by the Dean

The Dean, in consultation with the Faculty Appointments, Reappointments, Promotion and Tenure (ARPT) Committee (pdf), will submit a recommendation on promotion to the President, or may refer the case back to the Department for further consideration. If the Dean’s recommendation is negative, the candidate will be informed and given 30 days to appeal the decision.

April – June: Decision of the President

Upon deciding on promotion, the President will inform the candidate and the Department on the decision in writing. Thereafter, the candidate’s promotion and/or tenure will be entered into the electronic HR system.