Clinical Faculty Appointment & Promotion

Resources for Clinical Faculty

New Appointments and Reappointments

New Appointments

For Vancouver-Fraser Medical Program:

The application package for a Clinical Instructor appointment should include the following completed documents:

1. Clinical Instructor Application Checklist for all required documents listed below.

2. Clinical Faculty Application Form, which includes Payment Instructions and Electronic Fund Transfer forms.

3. Statement of Intent Form, confirming eligibility for a clinical faculty appointment and intent to contribute to UBC Undergraduate and/or Postgraduate Medical Education teaching.

4. Support Form, to be completed by the UBC Division Head/UBC Program Director, or Hospital Head/Medical Director or Regional Associate Dean.

Clinical Instructor applications are accepted year-round and typically processes over a period of 2 weeks. Initial appointments are usually for a three-year term, with the possibility of reappointment

For Distributed Sites:

Please contact the respective administrative personnel below to assist you with your application package:

New Appointment at a Higher Rank

Applicants that have held a previous faculty appointment at UBC or elsewhere and/or have considerable clinical teaching experience, may apply for an appointment at a higher provided the meet some or all of the eligibility criteria set by the Faculty of Medicine for:


Annual Report to Maintain Appointment


Promotions are based on meeting some or all of the eligibility criteria set by the Faculty of Medicine for:

Applications for promotion are considered by the departmental Clinical Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee in the Spring and Fall each year. The respective deadlines are March 15th and September 15th.

Fall Review Cycle

September 15th: Deadline for submission of applications

October: Review by the Clinical Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee

December: Decision by the Faculty of Medicine and UBC Provost

Spring Review Cycle

The promotion application package should include the following completed documents:

1. Clinical Faculty Promotion Checklist for all required documents listed below.

2. Rationale Form for promotion to the next rank of:

3. Support Form, to be completed by the UBC Division Head/UBC Program Director, or Hospital Head/Medical Director or Regional Associate Dean.

3. UBC-formatted CV.

Teaching Opportunities

Training Medical Students

Training Residents

  • Providing elective/selective experiences in your area
  • Being an examiner for OSCEs or STACERS
  • Developing OSCEs (3.5 hour credit for each OSCE accepted by the program)

Teaching Payments & Processes

Summary of Teaching Payments

  1. All undergrad med school teaching and post-grad resident didactic teaching tracked through the Department’s Teaching Tracking & Payment System (TTPS). You should not need to do any submissions. Currently $106.03 per hour or unit as of July 1, 2024. You should see cheque or deposit about 2 months after the end of each quarter.
  2. Postgrad Psychotherapy & Research supervisors still need to submit invoices. Paid yearly.
  3. Resident clinical supervision (ie. on the wards) will be based on an amount provided by the Faculty of Medicine for each resident. Supervisors are tracked by the Department and will get a percentage based on resident shared among a number of staff. Ballpark estimate: if a resident is on the ward with you as sole supervisor, this works out to about $700/month currently. Each EPA you assess/submit is $25.  All payments made yearly and you should see cheque or deposit between June and July (may be delayed due to volume of payments).

Mentorship Program

Clinical Faculty Appointment & Promotions Committee

Membership of the CFAPC